Being Present to Be Productive - Incorporating Mindfulness Into Our Day

Webinar Overview

Do you find yourself distracted at work and at home?

Do you fear that you are not working to your full potential with your team or as a leader because of workplace misunderstandings?

Are you empathetic as a leader where you seek to understand other perspectives?

Many of us can feel that we are technically up to speed in what we do, however; we are not living our full potential as a leader or a co-worker because of lacking skills in how to interact with one another. Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of what is happening around us and finding common ground with those we work with and care about so we can create better results in business and at home. Gaining a better understanding of identifying where we are off balance internally can help us show up better for those around us, create more success as a leader and more engaged as an employee.

Learn how to continue your B³ Method (Business + Balance = Bliss) journey to find more balance and mindfulness in the new year!